Youth Day Assembly 2015
Youth Day is a day to commemorate the life and courage of the youth who stood up against the Bantu Education Act which resulted in many protests in 1976. These protests are commonly known as the Soweto Uprising.
This year, the Retro Committee and Blog Committee held an assembly to remind the school and ourselves about these uprisings, and appreciate how it had helped our country find it's way to freedom.
We decided to focus on youth empowerment in this assembly, by inspiring and encouraging the youth of our school to do good and do better in being a citizen of south Africa. The assembly included Natalie Davidson giving a brief list of inniatives that the youth can get involved in, in cluding First Thursdays where every first Thursday of the month, one can explore art galleries and cultural attraction in Cape Town's CBD until late.
InovateSA, run by a group of young leaders who are passionate leaders who want to see South African innovation grow, is an amazing competition that helps young innovators make their ideas a reality.
Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu, a non-profit organization, focuses on youth empowerment through education, e-literacy training and career guidance. They have many amazing programmes such as mentoring, tutoring and career guidance programmes. They also have volunteer programmes to mentor matrics where you can get involved.
Guest speaker, Jessica Breakley, a Mandela Rhodes scholar at UCT doing her honors in African studies, addressed the audience about about branding our nation as the "Rainbow Nation." She compared the colors in the rainbow to the different race, age, gender, social and cultural groups in our country. She stated that the colors in the rainbow do not mix, the way various groups in our society do not interact. The sticky tention between the colors of the rainbow are the conflict and intolerance we face in our society.
Breakley encouraged our generation to combat these areas of sticky tention and embrace the individuality and differences of others by being more tolerant.
The Blog Committee then presented their video of Rustenburg Girls saying what they believed Youth Day is about and how its history influenced the youth of today.
The assembly was brought to a close by the soulful vocals of Yonella Katsha, singing "I Believe" (song by Yolanda Adams).
The audience sang and clapped along; most definitely inspired. A great way to end off a successful Youth Day Assembly.
Feminist Workshops
Why do we need feminism? Because we believe in equal rights?Because being a woman does not make you any less of a person than a man? Because no one asked what the rapist was wearing? That's exactly what we believe (and more). Feminism promotes equality on every level for all people, whichever race, culture, age and, of course, gender etc.
This term, Retro Society held a workshop over 4 consecutive Fridays regarding Feminism. We aimed to uncover feminism for what it is, how it began, and who can get involved in the movement for equality.
An explaination of femisnism and a brief history on its origin was given by Jarita Kassen where she summarised the various waves of Feminism:
"Wave 1 started in the 1400s and aimed to give wome basic human rights (to vote and work), this feminism was mainly manifested in literature. Wave 2 aimed to give women freedom, it advocated for equality in workplace and access to contraceptives, this wave flowed into 3rd wave which is all about women being able to be and do what ever they wish."
The following Friday, we identified common forms of sexism in the media and art which led to a great discussion about feminism vs sexism.
Week 3, Retro welcomed 4 feminist speakers who spoke about their views, beliefs and experiences with the feminist movement. Through this, the speakers, namely Tarryn Naude, Emily, Ivy and Caitlin Spring, not only informed the youth of Rustenburg High Schools for Girls about the injustices of sexism, but they also inspired us to get involved in the movement by living everyday as strong and powerful women; equal to each other and all of humanity. We were also encouraged to identify the difficulties faced by women of different races, cultures and religions striving towards equality of the sexes.
On the 4th Friday, Retro asked students at Rustenburg why they need Feminism.
The workshops were an eventful way of educating ourselves and others about the importance of feminism. It aimed to encourage the support of the feminist movement, and strike towards equality of the sexes in all spheres of life for a peaceful, more tolerant society.
(Awareness Month for Violence against Women and Children)
In April-May we would like to have Friday-break workshops on Feminism, (each workshop will be presented as an open conversation where girls can ask questions)
All of the workshops will take place in Mr van Dyk’s room:
Workshop 1: Introduction (17th April) [JARITA]
What is it Feminism? And history. Objectives: Educate girls about the definition and origin of feminism1st wave (Sauffragettes), 2nd wave (contraceptives and equal opportunities in the workplace) and 3rd wave (women should be free to choose to do/be whatever they wish to be- no limitations)Method: We will ask the girls what their definition of feminism is and then give and explain the official one to them. I (Jarita) will explain these waves and present visual aids to illustrate each wave. I will then list the women who played a major role in the establishment of the specific wave. The girls will then be allowed to ask questions. Uses in the future:This workshop will help the girls to understand feminism and why it is important that they become feminist or become interested in feminism. It also gives them extra knowledge on women in history which will be helpful and enrich their general knowledge.Workshop 2: Feminism in the media (24th April)
[Athraa & Natalie with Caitlin & Ulriche]
View/ discuss pop culture films, paintings and films that involve feminist characteristics. Objectives: Get other societies involved: Art&Design: present the discussion on feminist characters in art, they will give examples and discuss these. Cultural: present a discussion on the role of the female in different cultures as well as how this role has changed.Get the girls to be more curious and think critically about what they are seeing on a daily basis. It also gives them tangible/relatable examples about feminism this will help them to remember the concept.Show the girls that feminism is actually everywhereMethod:The various societies will present their discussions and show a few examples. Retro will present a discussion on feminist qualities in film and books as well as how it has changed over the years. This will be conducted in 3 separate discussion which will come together as one discussion where will come to a conclusion on how feminism has been portrayed, which media did it the best and the worst etc. Use for the future: To think critically when looking at things in the media, it will allow the girls to see how an artist can explain his/her views on a concept through art.
Workshop 3: Panel (8th May) [Kauthar & Katherine]
Speakers who are feminists will come and discuss their experiences as to why they became feminists, how they incorporate this role into their lives and what they are doing with their lives. Speakers: Emma DicksCaitlin SpringZorah VassonZimkhita BuwaObjectives: The girls to gain more insight into feminism and how they can incorporate it into their lives, it may show them how valuable feminism is in life. Allow the girls to network with people who are a bit older and can add some variety to the concept of feminism that we are trying to open their eyes to. Method: Each speaker will introduce themselves (what they do, where) and then one of the retro committee members will start asking questions about their feminist experiences; once this is finished the girls will be allowed to ask questions to specific panellists or the panellists in general.Uses for future: The girls will remember these experiences and may even forge relationships with the speakers.Workshop 4: “Why I need Feminism Posts” (15th May) [Aaliyah & Ameena]
Objective: To get the girls to culminate all that they have experienced over the past few workshops; this could be treated as a reflection for them. It gives us a chance to document the moment and show the school what the workshops amounted to. It also gives the girls something to look forward to. Method: The retro committee will have A4 white paper with the question: "Why I need Feminism” written on it. The girls will then fill these out and will be photographed individually and in a collective group. The speakers will do the same on the day that they come and talk. This will be done on the main quad (weather permitting). Uses for the future: Record for the future of what we did, the girls could keep this post as a daily reminder of Feminism and what they experienced during these weeks.
-April 2015
Summer Fashion Shoot 2015
Fashion photography can be defined as "a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items"
After this year's Summer Fashion Shoot, I'd define it as a time when friends get together to dress up and have great fun. Yup, that is what made this photoshoot such a greatly successful one.
Thank you to all the lovely ladies who modelled for us. Without you the photoshoot would not have been possible. You brought the looks and the confidence to wear the outfits fashionably.
Behind the scenes, it was quite a rush styling everyone's hair and getting make-up done in time, but it all turned out looking great.
Here are some photos from behind the scenes:
Check out the fashion tab to view the final photos of this year's Summer Fashion Shoot.
Upcoming Events
With 2015 in full force, the Retro Committee is taking charge and making 2015 a great and memorable year.
Exciting upcoming Retro events include the Summer Fashion Shoot which will take place closer to the end of term one. The photoshoot will capture this season's latest trends with RGHS girls as our beautiful models. Thereafter, a collaborative Open Mike Evening with Music Society will enterain us in the second term whilst we prepare for an eye opening and inspirational Youth Day Assembly to commemorate our country's past and honour the legends who fought for our freedom.
The Events tabs will be regularly updated with photos and stories of these forthcoming events. So be sure to click back soon!
Retro Movie Day 2014
Yesterday, Retro held its annual fun-filled movie day. Kicking it with the action theme, girls sat back and enjoyed their chosen movie. The choices were between the fabulous Charlie's Angels, power-couple Mr and Mrs Smith, beyond funny (I had myself in stiches) Rush Hour 3, James Bond Goldfinger (Yes! The classic one with Sean Connery!), and the wacky Three Musketeers.
Our tuck shop was a success and we managed to make a great profit which will be donated to Interact Society for their annual Christmas Party.
This year, Retro had a lot of obstacles which we overcame to bring the school a great Movie Day and save them from the boredom of the last few days of school. Thanks to everyone who came and supported.
Since this was my first year on the committee, I didn't realise that behind the scenes, it took a lot of effort and preparation to make the Movie Day enjoyable. A huge thank you to our Committee Head, Jarita Kassen for her hard work and commitment to the Society and for sorting out any difficulties. In the end, it was the whole committee and their help alongside the support of fellow Rustybugs which led to a successful Movie Day.
Congrats ladies! Here's to an even better 2015!
Upcoming Retro Movie Day 2014
It's that time again when Retro Society hosts its end-of-year Movie Day. This year, we're kicking it old school (quite literally).
With exams finally over, and the holidays slowly approaching, the best way to end a school term is to sit back and enjoy a classic retro movie with popcorn and a can of coke at your side. Our theme is action and include the popular movies:
Charlie's Angels
Mr and Mrs Smith
Rush Hour 3
James Bond: Goldfinger
and The Three Musketeers.
Tell a Rustybug to tell a Rustybug and come and support! Get your tickets from any Retro Committee member or your Form Captain. The event takes place on Friday, 5 December and movies start at 9:30am in the venues specified on the tickets. Tuck shop will be on sale from 8:20 until 9:15 where we'll be selling pizza, popcorn and coke for you to enjoy whilst watching a movie. It's bound to be great movie day: a fun way to the start off the weekend and December holidays!
Lights, cameras, strike a pose!
From hair and make-up to costumes, it was an eventful term 3 for the newly elected RETRO Committee and RETRO Blog Committee as we got dolled up for various photoshoots.
We bonded with the RETRO Committee shoot and had a fun time infront of the camera. The photos will be used to promote the blog and show that RETRO Society is a fun, quirky way to get involved at school.
Much love to the beautiful ladies who modelled in this Winter's must-haves which included tartan prints, coats, accessories and mixed fabric outfits. The Winter Shoot was a complete success all thanks to those who volunteered their time to help out whether it was for modelling, make-up art, hair styling, or just observing. You girls brought the gees. Here are some behind-the-scenes photos:
We ended off the term with a final photoshoot for the RETRO Blog Committee which turned out amazing!
I'm pretty sure the Committee and Blog Committee will make a great team in bringing you interesting updates on the RETRO Society.
It was awesome meeting and interacting with new people.
Great things can happen when fashion and the RETRO Society is involved!
-Athraa Fakier
After weeks of organizing and careful planning, Thursday the 29th of June was upon us. The RETRO committee were a bit nervous due to the different twists we put on the assembly this year but nevertheless were excited for the mornings upcoming event. The foyer display of the youth day program, song and poetry that was to be recited in the assembly were up against vibrant colours for the school and visitors to see and admire.
The assembly started with RETRO head and deputy Michelle and Nuzhah introducing the program for the assembly mentioning the video tribute planned, guest speaker, poetry and many musical items to follow. Committee member Katherine started the morning off with an informative quiz to get the audience to participate as well as to inform them on why we have Youth Day and the events that led to it - this was enjoyed by all as some humourous answers were given from the audience as well as informed ones.
Next up was a poetry reading done by Buhle Zimba (grade 11). She read beautifully a poem by Ishmael Vayej titled "Life... A bare existence" which highlighted some of the racial struggles suffered by black people during Apartheid and brought across a message aimed at the youth of time to embrace and accept one another as well as to never let South Africa's painful past repeat itself.
The proceedings went on as planned with the school being updated on what's happening with the blog from Nuzhah and about the upcoming Winter Lookbook shoot from Aaliyah as well as a bit of musical entertainment from Rustenburg's talented Jabulani choir inbetween. Soon after the mystery guest speaker was introduced by Aaliyah to be one exceptionally inspirational 21 year old woman. Patrice Madurai spoke and inspired the school and staff on her past, present and future ventures whilst giving a few words of wisdom in between. She enlightened us on her Cupcake resolution project aimed at helping people in rural areas without identity documents attain them and in essence celebrate their birthdays as well, she spoke about the importance of recognizing the light within ourselves and how we should always "shine" on others in terms of helping wherever we can. She was thoroughly enjoyed by the school and was very honoured and grateful for the opportunity to speak.
The video tribute was up next, introduced by Aaliyah and Jarita, aimed at not only commemorating the importance of Youth Day but celebrating the very youth of Rustenburg itself thus it was made up of snippets of interviews from various girls that spoke about youth empowerment in the codes they dominate (i.e. sport, art, drama). Some staff members were interviewed too on how they feel they empower Rustybugs.
Jabulani did one last performance and a few dance moves to end off the assembly in high spirits before Michelle and Nuzhah officially thanked everyone that was a part of the assembly.
All in all the RETRO Youth Day Assembly for 2014 was a successful and memorable one. The RETRO Committee were very proud of the event and were happy the school and staff enjoyed it.
RETRO would like to extend a big thank you to the following people for helping make the RETRO Youth Day Assembly of 2014 a great success:
Patrice Madurai
Mr Van Dyk
Interviewed Staff & Girls
Jabulani Choir
Buhle Zimba
**For more info on our amazing guest speaker Patrice you can find her at The Cupcake resolution page on Facebook
*A link to the video tribute that was played during the Assembly will be put up on the blog shortly.
Amongst many other things the RETRO committee has planned, Rustenburg's annual YOUTH DAY ASSEMBLY is coming up and this has been the committee's main focus. This assembly is held annually in order for girls to commemorate not only what happened on June 16th but to celebrate what has come out of such a powerful event. This year the RETRO team has been working to make the assembly a little different with the aim being not only commemoration but a celebration of Rustenburg girls, so we have many exciting things planned for the assembly. The assembly will take place the week after exams on the 19th June this year in the Kemp Hall - get excited!
A Quick Update!
The RETRO committee has been working tirelessly on organizing events and things for the society and school to take part in. Here are some events that have taken place in the first term:
1. The Movie Evening - RETRO decided to hold a classical movie evening for society members to attend on the second last day of the first term. The movie of choice was Sabrina starring Audrey Hepburn and was enjoyed by all. Free popcorn and brownies were provided and thoroughly enjoyed. RETRO hopes to do more of these movie evenings in the future as it is a fun way to relax and de-stress after a long term. Pictures of the movie evening will be posted shortly.
2. Society Shoot - As seen on the updated fashion Tab on the blog, RETRO recently had a Fashion shoot for all society members to model their own clothes. Make up and hair were done and girls thoroughly enjoyed being photographed in some of their favourite outfits. All pictures of this can be seen on the Fashion Tab. A special thank you goes to our in-house photographers Monique Hollis and Stephanie Lawrenceson.
3. The Committee Shoot - As noticed on the blog there is a new Fitness Tab that has been created and will be run by Stephanie Peirra. The Committee thought there would be no better way to launch the new tab by having a photo shoot showing blog readers how the committee members themselves can be fashionable and sporty. This shoot was so much fun and pictures will be up as soon as the tab is launched.
The committee posing for the Fitness tab.
4. ZUMBA Class - As seen below RETRO had its very first ZUMBA class last term which was a great way for girls to de-stress and keep fit before the holidays. For details and pictures refer to the previous post below. RETRO hopes to have more classes like these as it was enjoyed by all who attended.
A picture of girls enjoying themselves at the ZUMBA class.
1. Youth Day Assembly - It is Rustenburg tradition for the RETRO society to be in charge of putting together the program for the up coming Youth Day Assembly. This program will consist of guest speakers, sings, video tributes and poetry. The overall aim of this assembly was decided to be celebrating and commemorating the Youth of South Africa and of Rustenburg in particular. Watch this spaces for pictures and the program of the event.
2. Fitness Tab - As mentioned above the RETRO blog will now be having a Fitness Tab that will have an official launch soon. This tab is aimed at keeping girls looking and feeling healthy.
This is a picture taken at the Committee Shoot for the Fitness tab. Committee members Aaliyah Vayej (left) and Tumelo Moloto (Right) had a particularly great time.
RETRO'S first ever ZUMBA class!
The RETRO Committee decided to introduce the RETRO society to ZUMBA. Zumba is a fitness class aimed at exercising the body through fun quick dance moves that anyone can do while following an instructor or DVD. On the 20th of March RETRO invited Cindy a Zumba instructor to lead a class of Rustenburg girls that were ready and excited to have fun in a healthy way. The class was free of charge for girls and was greatly responded to. Cindy and the girls had a great time distressing and exercising to fun music. The RETRO committee are strongly considering having these classes be a regular event at Rustenburg as it was a great way to distress and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Here are a few pictures of the committee and society members jamming it out in their first ZUMBA class!
A group photo taken after a tiring but fun Zumba class.
Committee and society members getting into shape in a fun way!
The top two photos are society members having a fun time trying to keep up with instructor Cindy's quick moves.
Commemoration & Celebration
Rustenburgs RETRO society members felt it was their responsibility to commemorate and celebrate the passing and lifetime of Tata Nelson Mandela. It was fitting for committee members to come together and create a video tribute remembering and celebrating Madiba whilst getting as many Rustybugs involved as possible. We extend a very big thank you to Monique Hollis who had a big hand in the creating of this tribute. The Tribute will be put on the blog as soon as technical issues have been sorted out for now, watch this space :)
At second break on the 28th of January was Rustenburgs' annual Societies Day. This day is all about Rustenburgs' many societies showing off what they have to offer to potential society members. The Retro committee were quite proud to say that their sign up sheets were filled to capacity! Girls were drawn to the Retro table as it was decorated with sweets and signs advertising the blog and all its aspects. The committee was in full swing while advertising the society to their best ability. The committee are very excited about 2014 and welcome new members with open arms. Here are a few pictures of the Retro table on Societies Day:
Nuzhah Jacobs, Retro Deputy Head welcoming all future society members.
Some of the Retro committee enjoying societies day.
Many Grade 8s were very enthusiastic about Retro.
RETRO decided instead of mourning the great Nelson Mandela's death rather Rustenburg should celebrate it in a way where all girls can get involved and pay tribute to South Africa's great statesman. To do this RETRO set up commemoration boards for girls to put up notes and letters to Tata saying goodbye, saying thank you and generally reflecting on what he has contributed to each of their lives. This together with a video tribute (coming soon) was greatly received by the girls. Here are a few pictures from girls paying tribute to our Tata via the commemoration boards set up:
(Above) A few tributes to Madiba left by girls from grade 8-12.
(Above) The Head of RETRO, Michelle Yi-Tin Yuan, addressing the school on the importance of commemorating Madiba.
Ashleigh Curtis admiring the tribute boards.
Rustybugs took time out of their breaks and after school to read the tributes out up by girls.
Even though he's gone Tata united Rustenburg Girls through these tributes to him.
The header for the tribute boards.
Girls smiled and shed tears as they read notes and letters put up by their peers.
Above and Below are tributes to Madiba from Rustybugs.
Girls taking time out of their day to read tribute letters.
Tributes were put together with a lot of effort by our girls.
Above and Below Jaime Newdigate admires the letters and life of Madiba.
Praise for RETRO
After the success of the Retro movie day, committee members decided to give all proceeds to a worthy and charitable cause. Rustenburg High Schools' Interact society were happy to receive our donation towards their Christmas program. The head of Interact, Dominique Mcfall, had this to say:
"Dear Mr Van Dyk and the Retro Society
Thank you so much for the generous donation of R2000 towards Interact's project of giving Christmas presents to the 216 residents of Huis Luckoff over this festive season. It will be a tremendous aid to us, because not only will be we able to buy suitable gifts for everybody, but they can be really lovely, thoughtful gifts now too.
We are incredibly grateful for your contribution to our project.
Warm regards,
Dominique McFall and the Interact Committee.
A “Classic” Ending to 2013!
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Girls enjoying The Breakfast Club while munching with their friends. |
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girls’ great support left the pizza, popcorn and coke completely sold out!
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Committee member Kauthar Achmat was prepped and ready with a smile to deal with
the masses.
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Committee members Tumi Moloto and Jarita Kassen looking happy as they sell out
the popcorn.
Retro Society Committee has a scientific look into the past.
On the evening of the 24th October, the
Retro committee accompanied by Mr van Dyk, attended a talk organised by the
Rondebosch Boys’ History Society. The talk was presented by Professor Raj Ramesar,
the head of Genetics at UCT.
The talk centred around the Human Genome Project.
This is project is an international scientific research project with the primal
goal of determining the structure of chemical base pairs which make up human
DNA. This research has been used to uncover some unknowns from the past. The
stand-out discovery was the parents of Tutankhamen; this was relatively simple
to find because of the Egyptian’s mummification procedures. This procedure,
kept the bodies preserved which means that DNA can still be extracted from
their corpses.
The other benefits of this Project are detecting
the causes of cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. All in all, this Project has the
power to majorly influence the future of mankind. A lot was learnt from this
talk, such as the fact that only a mother’s mitochondria are passed on to the
child, never the father’s, who knew! So, thank your darling mother for giving
you the cells that create energy to run your cells and essentially keep you
alive and kicking. .
This evening was also the beginning of a new
relationship between the RGHS and RBHS history (retro) societies. We look
forward to many evenings spent reflecting back on the past.
When? 29 November 2013
What? A choice of 7 classic films will be voted for BY YOU to play on the day these include:
The Great Gatsby
Breakfast At Tiffany's
The Breakfast Club
Dirty Dancing
Les Miserables
How? To vote for the movie you wish to see click on the title of your choice in the side bar of this blog.
Tickets? These will be sold at R5 per person closer to the movie date.
Food? Popcorn, coke and pizza will be sold on the day (prices will be advertised before hand)
Venues & Dress: This info will be put up closer to the time as well as will be announced and advertised through morning announcements, intercom notices and posters - look out!
7 AUGUST 2013
By Yi-Shin Jennifer Yuan
Coco before Chanel is a bibliographical film, which illustrates Coco Chanel’s life story from how her father abandoned her at an orphanage to how she became a fashion icon.
The film was first released in 2009 and Coco is played by the famous French actress, Audrey Tatou. The film was later nominated for an Oscar.
We owe Coco Chanel for fashion. She is the reason why women all around the world are able to wear pants and not breath-stopping corsets topped with gaudy gowns and hats. She is also the one who introduced sailor stripes and the concept of ‘the little black dress’ into the magnificent world of fashion. You have probably heard of her iconic perfume, Chanel No. 5.
The film is in French, but fear not as there are English subtitles. It will also do you no harm to listen to the language of the World’s fashion capital.
Believe it or not, Coco is not actually her real name. I guess that you will just have to watch the film to find out what it really was.
Taken by Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan
13 June 2013
By Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan
The Retro Committee, under the leadership of Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan and Oriana Esau, organised Rustenburg’s first Youth Day Assembly, which took place on Thursday, the 13th June.
The assembly began on a light and humorous note as the school enjoyed a PowerPoint of videos in which girls from a variety of grades gave their perspectives on the origin and the importance of Youth Day. Thereafter, the assembly assumed a serious atmosphere as Yi-Shin Jennifer Yuan and Corné Odendal addressed the school and outlined the harrowing events of the Soweto uprising of June 16th 1976.
Emma Bergh, with some help from a few chorus singers, then performed her original Youth Day song, entitled “Amandla”, in which she expressed her gratitude towards those students, such as Hector Pieterson, who died fighting against the Apartheid laws. However, Retro, besides wanting to enlighten the school on the sacrifices that were made by students to build a better South Africa, also wanted to inspire the youth at Rustenburg to make a difference and to aspire to achieve great things themselves. Retro achieved this by inviting an old-girl, Zahrah Perry (pictured), who is presently a successful entrepreneur, to address the school on her long and on-going journey to success.
Further adding to the special events in the assembly were Aimee George’s rendition of “Soweto Blues” – a song which was written by Miriam Makeba during the Apartheid era - the launching of the Retro blog by Nuzhah Jacobs and a few models, and an unexpected speech which was delivered by Mrs Schnetler. She outlined her experiences of June 16th 1976. The assembly proved to be a great success and the school looks forward to what the Retro Society will do next.
By Emma Bergh
Today is the day that we think about our heroes
Our late heroes, our courageous heroes.
Today is the day, we remember their courage
Remember their strength, remember their fight.
With nothing, not a warning, no signal, no doubt.
When they took the street, fighting for their freedom
Fighting for the freedom, the freedom of today.
Amandla, Amandla, Amadla, Power
Amandla, Amanda, Amandla for us x2
Shot rings out, Hector’s dead
Was it worth it, how is it worth it?
Twenty three more lying on the floor
I really don’t see the point of it all.
A language of no comprehension, only for the colour of their skin.
Amandla, Amanda, Amandla for us x2
Shot rings out, Hector dead
Was it worth it, how is it worth it?
Twenty three more lying on the floor
I really don’t see the point of it all.
The courage it took to stick it to the man.
But I hope you know
The magnitude of the gratitude we hold
The risk you took
Just so you could read from a different book
And for those who have fallen
You will never be forgotten.
Written by Miriam Makeba and performed by Aimee George
The children got a letter from the master
It said: no more Xhosa, Sotho, no more Zulu.
Refusing to comply they sent an answer
That's when the policemen came to the rescue
Children were flying bullets dying
The mothers screaming and crying
The fathers were working in the cities
The evening news brought out all the publicity:
Chorus: "Just a little atrocity, deep in the city"
Soweto blues
Soweto blues
Soweto blues
Soweto blues
Benikuphi ma madoda (where were the men)
abantwana beshaywa (when the children were throwing stones)
Mabedubula abantwana (when the children were being shot)
Benikhupi na (where were you?)
There was a full moon on the golden city
Looking at the door was the man without pity
Accusing everyone of conspiracy
Tightening the curfew charging people with walking
Yes, the border is where he was awaiting
Waiting for the children, frightened and running
A handful got away but all the others
Hurried their chain without any publicity
Soweto blues
Soweto blues
Soweto blues - abu yethu a mama
Soweto blues - they are killing all the children
Soweto blues - without any publicity Soweto blues - oh, they are finishing the nation
Soweto blues - while calling it black on black
Soweto blues - but everybody knows they are behind it
Soweto Blues - without any publicity Soweto blues - they are finishing the nation
Soweto blues - god, somebody, help!
Soweto blues - (abu yethu a mama)